Tuesday, January 24, 2012


for octa and kallista, i hope u guys read the last comment i posted b4 u read this.

listenin 2 hannah montana's song, butterfly fly away. Just got home from grandparents house.
got somethin scary 2 tell.

i slept in a room at my grandparent's house. this room hadnt been used 4 a long time.
until my mother and aunt decided 2 clean the place up after a while after i told them that i thought i saw this room's door closed, but there was no wind and no one there.

So after renovatin and cleanin up, it was not such a bad room. so what happened was that me and my 2 lil cousins(girls of course) got 2 sleep there last week until yesterday or 2 days ago while i was at my grandparents'. c, that's place was ok now, nothin disturbed any1 includin my 2 lil cousins. but on the 1st, or 2nd night, while i was sleepin, i woke up in the middle of the night.
it was kindda blurry so i cant recall if it was real or whether i was just havin a nightmare. i tried 2 turned my sleepin position, but i couldnt. i tried again, but i cant. i thought it was just me and my mind and body that's causin this. but then i looked up on my body, i saw a black figure sittin on me, it was a human shape. it was smiling or laughin... i couldnt remember which one. when it was smilin/laughin, i saw it's sharp teeth. i was panicking on the inside, i wanted 2 scream cause my cousins r just on the floor bside me while i was on the bed, but i was afraid that people r gonna come 2 me 2 late. cause 2 wake my cousins up was 2 shake them and call them a few time. while my mom, lil brothers, cousin, aunt and uncle was downstairs, asleep. my grandparents were upstairs like me but in a different room. i dont even think any of my family could hear me if i scream. and also bcause, either my voice would'nt come out or i was afraid that if i scream, that thing was gonna do somethin horrible 2 me. so what did i do?
i turned my face 2 my right side since i can turn my hole body facin 2 the right. and i just told myself 2 shut my eyes and go back 2 sleep.

can u imagine?
this figure was like Venom in Spiderman.
but scarier. mayb it was a remnent...



wait a min...

and i'm definitely not crazy!
ok mayb i am, but still, U GUYS KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!!!!!!!
i'm not makin this up, but like i said i couldnt remember if it's a nightmare or real.

i dunno...
i could remember each and every detail and i could remember what i was thinkin and feelin.
it felt so real. if it was a nightmare i would forget a lot of things and details, but i can really remember this one.

what do u guys think bout this?

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